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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Essential Needs in Songwriting

If you are a writer who writes songs then you need certian tools to help you get to the top of your market. I myself always kept a dictionary with me when i ran into a stump with writing songs. You as a song writer have to study the industry and stay abreasted on technology inorder for you to take your style of writing to the next level.

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Software Every Songwriter Should Own

Are you a songwriting prude? Do you sigh and shake your head when someone mentions "rhyming dictionaries"? Well, folks, I hate to break the news, but the information highway is plowing a great big road right through your creative process and perhaps it's time to jump on board.

Self Confidence in Songwriting Is Critical, Heres How to Believe In Yourself

Self confidence in songwriting is critical, here's how to believe in yourself and your songwriting with a lesson from hit songwriter Hugh Prestwood.

I attended a seminar where Hugh Prestwood gave a songwriting lesson and an explanation of his process of songwriting.

Every songwriter is different and each has unique processes to write songs. Some write to title, some start with the music etc.

Hugh is a very successful writer who takes three to four weeks to write a song. He usually doesn't co-write.

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