This songwriting guide is a great way to ensure you come up with a huge amount of songs! You'll find following these methods will yield a huge amount of ideas and more completed songs than ever before. The most important thing to remember here is that you must completely ignore your inner critic, do not under any circumstances think to yourself "Hmmm, this idea is no good" no matter how you feel about it, keep writing and moving forward.
Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind as a songwriter is to not let your inner critic paralyze your creativity. The moment you have a negative thought, banish it to the back of your mind and just keep writing and pushing on! This method is all about generating as many ideas as you can, quality control comes later.
TECHNIQUE ONE: Create a chord sequence or riff on your instrument of choice, either loop it on your computer or just play it over and over while improvising lyrics and melodies over the top. Your aim here is to come up with as many ideas for your melody as you possibly can, don't worry about whether your lyrics make sense or not, you can redraft those later. I usually don't stop until I've come up with at least 10 or more ideas.
TECHNIQUE TWO: Find a drum or percussion loop and write as many different songs as you can over the top of it. Vary your chords and riffs and really try to make each attempt different to the last. Again I aim for 10 as a minimum
The best songwriting guide to follow is to create as many ideas as you can. Once you've finished your songwriting session, give it a day or two then go back to your ideas to edit them. Chances are you'll end up with a few finished songs straight away, the rest of your ideas you can refer to later. You'll find songs you write in the future will heavily feature ideas you came up with months or even years before!