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Friday, September 19, 2008

Making Money from Writing

As a writer myself you look to write things that will bring you money for your writing. When you complete a project there a several things you should look for that can bring you revenue from your writing. I will just share a few things that I think will help you exploit your talent. The first, is taking your songs and looking to my an e-book from your material. An e books give you revenue as an author which puts you into another category from the songs you wrote. You can take you songs and make a lyric book or poem book. Secondly, movies are always derived from a song or a book or some form of written work. Producers are always looking to get new material to turn into a movie. You could take some of your work and try to turn it into a script so it can be used a movie. Finally, the use of video is growing more and more if you haven't made some form of videos then you may want to consider that. Videos can be podcast and downloaded for a small fee to Ipod or what ever inorder for you to get money that way.

These are just a few ways to make money from your writing

please feel free to comment

cool water

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Trick Is On Your Wallet

Wuz up everybody, I have been off the scene for a minute but I am back. I want to take a minute to talk about the artist Brittany Spears. Brittany is planning something big and you will be the victim of juiced up media mind confusing game that has kept you glued to the Tv for almost a year. Someone wrote the script for this story on how Brittany is making her come back. I saw on the front page of MSN that Brit was doing dance rehearsals for her upcoming show. Her album will have the best songwriters in the business to make sure she gets a good point across for the album to sale. Brittany to my knowledge is not a great writer. When her albums drops it will sale like crazy because of the hype and all the bullshit that she has went through. At the end of the day the songwriting will be what carries everything over.

The Jokes on You

peace cool water
